Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where are the Radically Changed Lives?

This is the title of a blog post by a local Baptist pastor. You can read his original post here. Although I read his post and left a short comment, I want to share the second comment left there with anyone who visits my blog. The comment which follows was written by pilgrim, and is as well-written an apologia as I've ever read for why a follower of Jesus might refrain from "going to church." As one who still attends church services, I nonetheless agree with and endorse the statements he makes here. In my humble opinion, what the holy apostles were talking about when they said "don't stay away from meetings of the believers, as some do" (cf. Hebrews 10:25) is precisely NOT what goes on in most churches today. I know for a fact that he who wrote the following DOES fulfill the commandment to fellowship and worship—it's just not "in church."

Asking "Where are all the radically changed lives?" actually reveals why I and many others have stopped spending their energies on an institutional church and their services. Why bother going to church when all you ever hear is,"We don't have it right yet," or "How do we follow Christ--now"?
What impedes people from following Christ is often the institutional church and Christian culture, of any sect or denomination. We are told that they have the answers, yet, when we get there, they seem just as confused as the world. All we see is a Christian bubble that mimics the trends of the world. The world does this, the church follows, trying to outrun and draw off clients. The world has YouTube, the "church" has GodTube. The world has DirectTV, the "church" has SkyAngel.

This is just a part of the problem. The problem is simple. People are just professing Christians, people have been "Christianized", they are in a state of "
Christianosis". These are the lukewarm ones whom Christ will spit out of His mouth. Either you are born from above, or you are still a fetus, waiting to be born by the Spirit, which gives life. You cannot be in the womb and yet claim to be born.

Being a disciple of Mashiach has always been simple. Hold to the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus and witness for His name sake in all areas of life. Love one another and in loving one another, abide in the light. Look for the Parousia of Christ and hope in the resurrection and αλλαγησομεθα (the change or transformation) of the saints when He comes. And forsake the world and its corruption and pollution, living as if you are looking for the heavenly city, the one made by God, prepared by Christ.

This is the will of God, revealed in the Scriptures, by the apostles and prophets. Again, Christ has words for the churches, if they would look to His Apocalypse and have ears to hear, but I think for the majority, they are scared of doing this and will not choose to hear. As Messiah spoke to the church of Laodicea, so He speaks now to many churches:
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me."

Seeing that Christ is outside the door, shows that He is not present inside. That He knocks, shows that He is a stranger, for only strangers knock for entrance; those who are known freely come in. His call is to anyone, which shows that it is always an individual call. Anyone who chooses to, can go to the door and let Mashiach in. Thus they will have fellowship and break bread together.
At the Parousía of Messiah, will the church inhabitants shrink away, or will the morning star rise in their hearts as they go to stand before the Son of Man? This a question we should each ask of ourselves.

The true transformation will come then, when the sons of God are revealed to all creation.

1 comment:

C. Marie Byars said...

Hey, just came back to say "HI!!!" Hope all is well with you.

Hopkins is really my favorite. I did my master's thesis work on him.